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Tadiwa C

25 years old

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I'm a determined, committed and amazing person that is always passionate about assisting students.

The ability to listen, analyze and figure out a solution to one's situation has helped me become a great person at helping others.


• 2021-2022 B SOC University of Cape Town

My Proudest

• Graduating from high school with good results and passed all my courses at university level therefore looking forward to completing my degree next year (2023).


  • School Tutoring

Social Science

Grade 1 - Grade 9 Cambridge

I'm doing my bachelor of social science degree at the University of Capetown which I aim to finish next year, I haven't had much experience in tutoring but I have always been passionate about helping other students


Grade 1 - Grade 10 NSC

I am very passionate about languages, especially English. This is also a significant subject in today's education because the language is simply used in many other subjects, therefore I am very committed and dedicated to helping any students that need assistance.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

This has been my area of expertise and I have no challenges with sharing basic knowledge which is fundamental and needed to pass this subject. I would consider students working with me very lucky as I am genuinely passionate about teaching this subject.

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