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Vhutali T

30 years old

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I am friendly, hardworking and sincere. I like meeting new people every day and in every challenge I face, I look at the opportunities that might come out of it before giving up.

I have tutored Physical Sciences and Computer Science at the University of Cape Town (2018). I was a mentor from 2016 to 2018 at the University of Cape Town. I have experience in giving proper directions to individuals who struggle. I enjoy explaining concepts that I understand and sharing my experiences with others as well as learning from others.


• Techninal Support Specialist(AWS)
• MSc student :UCT
• Network Engineer(2018/20) : Huawei
• Physics/CompSci tutor: UCT
• EBE Mentor(2015/18)
• BSc Elect & Comp Eng(2014/18) : UCT
• Maths (2013/14): UCT

My Proudest

• Huawei Top 5 Graduate (2018) : Huawei Technologies
• 2 UCT EBE mentoring certificate (201, 2018)
• Received an entrance scholarship from UCT(2013)
• Received a scholarship : Vodacom(2014)
• 1 Eskom certificate for matric top performer(2012)
• Top matric Learner in Mubvumoni Village with 5 distinctions(2012)


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, IEB

I have done Maths courses in Science and Engineering and acquired more advanced knowledge and understanding of Maths. With the exposure I've had, I believe I can help young school learners to understand Maths better. I have previous tutoring experience.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I passed all my Physics modules well and, I can be able to assist students who are passionate about Physics and those who just want to pass. I helped my young brother and some of his friends who were really struggling and they made it at the end.

Computer Programming

Grade 1 - Grade 12 University Course

I passed all my Computer Science courses well and I believe I can assist high school students to pass it well. Most importantly, I will prepare them if they wish to pursue Programming related careers.

Reviews from others

“Vhutali is a very diligent tutor. He has assisted Mwila for only a few months and because of this, she has become more confident in herself and in her ability to solve mathematic problems. She said "for once I actually understand what I'm doing"”
- Lungo
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