Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Parktown, Johannesburg. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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By fostering true comprehension, the subject naturally sparks curiosity, encouraging continuous learning and exploration. Through this approach, physics becomes not just a study of facts but a fascinating journey into understanding the world around us.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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16 Hours Tutored
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As a tutor, I break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand steps, using an interactive approach to ensure long-term comprehension. Beyond teaching, I also serve as an academic advisor, guiding your child through every aspect of their learning journey to ensure lasting success.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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19 Hours Tutored
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There are many misconceptions about Physics that I had to overcome in order to get a distinction in the once very daunting subject. I can help my future students to focus practically on the subject and engage with a mindset of conquering it.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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68 Hours Tutored
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I am an experienced Physical Science tutor, I have always enjoyed and excelled at Physics since High School, achieving a Matric result of 75% and would love to help other learners do the same!
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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45 Hours Tutored
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I am well versed in Physical science and Mathematics. I am a 2nd year Aerospace engineering student at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. The degree I am studying towards is math and science heavy. I am ready and willing to do whatever it takes to see my students through.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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130 Hours Tutored
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I received distinction for these subjects during high school as well as distinctions for physics and chemistry at university level.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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163 Hours Tutored
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I enjoyed Science at school and pursued Physics and Chemistry as first-year subjects as well.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
26 Hours Tutored
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From high school, I have been in love with Physical Science, especially Chemistry, which is the reason I chose to do Chemical Engineering at WITS.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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153 Hours Tutored
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I've been tutoring for many years now and I'm very capable of breaking down topics to their base levels.I was the top Achiever for Mathematics and Science. I love making studying fun and easily comprehensive.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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10 Hours Tutored
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I did Physical Science in Matric and got a distinction. I have now also done first year Physics and Chemistry so I am competent in this area.
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