Highest Quality Research Methodology Tutors in Colleen Glen AH, Gqeberha. Get Research Methodology Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Research Methodology tutorTutor in Colleen Glen AH, Gqeberha
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I am a passionate people centered social work graduate with experience in the practice of social work and experience in the field of social work skills facilitation.
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Tutor in Summerstrand, Gqeberha
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Exposure to research literature is an important part of my tutoring plans because comprehension of the subject is enhanced by an understanding of the methods. Moreover, an emphasis on the finding of knowledge fosters an appreciation of the research design/methodology.
Tutor in Walmer, Gqeberha
Tutor in Walmer, Gqeberha
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Research is about discovery, learning and sharing. The best thing about research making a discovery and in that moment being the only person in history that has witnessed it. Having completed my Masters, it has given me board insight, I am capable of guiding and assisting you with your paper.
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1651 Hours Tutored
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Extensive experience training/lecturing in policy and project management; as well as research methodology with a focus on theory to practice. A participant in various qualitative and quantitative studies within the South African development context. Presenting research to relevant stakeholders.
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533 Hours Tutored
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I have experience with both qualitative and quantitative research studies. From the Research Proposal stages of research to the collection of data and report writing. Quantitative data analysis experience with both SPSS, Jamovi & Microsoft Excel.
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1363 Hours Tutored
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I have tutored numerous students in Research methodology up to University level. I am fully knowledgeable in this topuc, i have volumes of coursework and past exam paper materials for all syllabus from IEB, NSCand Cambridge. I am able to tutor students of all ages.
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470 Hours Tutored
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I recently completed my MSc at Oxford for which I conducted research and wrote a thesis. My postgraduate Honours degree at Stellenbosch University also had a research component. I have taken research methodology and statistics modules so I am skilled in both qualitative and quantitative methods.
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766 Hours Tutored
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I have taken research methodology courses in both undergraduate and postgraduate (consisting of psychometrics, qualitative research, quantitative research and statistics) and have achieved very high marks at both these levels.
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892 Hours Tutored
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I obtained distinctions for my 4th year research methodology & molecular techniques, as well as for both of my 3rd and 4th year practical research projects. I'm often approached by students for aid with their research projects & scientific writing.
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1807 Hours Tutored
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I am a great tutor for Economics Research Methodology as I have a love and passion for this subject, and I have also achieved a distinction in it at Masters' level.
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