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Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
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I have a very strong academic background and a sense of curiosity about how the world around me works. As an Olympian, I have a proven history of carrying out effective target-orientated training.
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
21 Hours Tutored
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I am a calm, patient and intelligent person with a developed sense of intuition. I have a natural inclination towards problem solving and enjoy understanding and being understood.
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
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I am a quirky and motivated teacher & marine biologist, who has a passion for all things nature. I will always put 100% of myself into anything I do and most importantly, I will do it with a smile
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
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I am a University of Cape Town (UCT) graduate with an Honors Degree in Business Science. I am a passionate, hard-working and committed individual.
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
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12 Hours Tutored
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I am a diligent, hard-working and intelligent young lady. I am caring, trust-worthy and loyal.
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
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20 Hours Tutored
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I am a highly motivated and ambitious individual looking to tutor in a bid to not only improve students academic performance, but give them the confidence to succeed going forward in any pursuit.
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
18 Hours Tutored
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I love reading and learning as well as helping others learn. I love the outdoors and the ocean. Yoga, running, rock climbing and sailing are probably my top sports.
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
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32 Hours Tutored
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In general, I'm a very relaxed and easy-going person. I take great pride in my work, but I also enjoy my sport and time with mates.
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
Tutor in Green Point, Cape Town
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I have completed my teaching degree in Intermediate Phase Gr4-9. I am looking to extend my knowledge and skills to help learners grow, develop and reach their academic goals.
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