View the Widest Selection of the Highest Quality Tutors in Homelake, Randfontein. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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2252 Hours Tutored
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An educator, examiner and administrator for over 2 decades with extensive experience in assisting all types of learners.
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Tutor in Pretoria Central, Pretoria
40 Hours Tutored
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I am a very honest person; always considerate and results-driven. If I were to describe myself with one word or phrase, I would say I am vibrant or rather smart.
Tutor in Ruimsig, Roodepoort
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106 Hours Tutored
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I am an energetic, passionate tutor with an honours degree in STEM Education.
Tutor in Mamelodi, Pretoria
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97 Hours Tutored
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I am a hard-working, smart student - I give my best in everything I do. I am a science fanatic, I love jokes and seeing other people happy.
Tutor in Kagiso, Krugersdorp
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19 Hours Tutored
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I am an enthusiastic individual who has an optimistic outlook on life. My job gives me a great sense of accomplishment when I see my students develop and grow as individuals.
Tutor in Lenasia South, Lenasia
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62 Hours Tutored
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I am an enthusiastic individual who is goal oriented. I am driven by passion and love for all that I participate in.
Tutor in Luipaardsvlei, Krugersdorp
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494 Hours Tutored
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I believe with the right support and guidance, every learner is capable of excelling and achieving their goals. I am a tutor with 6 years of experience, who’s passionate about learning and teaching.
Tutor in Rand Collieries SH, Brakpan
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43 Hours Tutored
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I am an enthusiastic intermediate phase teacher who is able to teach from grades 4 to 9. I have high aspirations for learners; I am committed to supporting growth and unlocking their full potential.
Tutor in Ferndale, Randburg
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128 Hours Tutored
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My greatest passion in life is teaching. I experienced great success at school due to amazing teachers. This is the foundation of my commitment to helping out my students, whatever their abilities.
Tutor in Krugersdorp North, Krugersdorp
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98 Hours Tutored
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I'm a hard-working, diligent Occupational Therapy student at the University of the Witwatersrand. I have a desire to help children excel in their academic career and reach their full potential.
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Absolutely! We have a 97% success rate with our customers. If you're unlucky enough to be in the 3% that it didn't work for, we don't want you to have to pay for it.
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