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Tutor in Portland, Cape Town
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I am a coloured young man from Mitchell's Plain who aims to empower and equip others with my weapon of math. I would like to spark a love of math in anyone who is willing to hear me out.
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Tutor in Kenilworth, Cape Town
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698 Hours Tutored
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I am a teacher at heart, having spent 25 years in classrooms in both South Africa and the United States. More recently I have been tutoring young people on an individual basis and loving it.
Tutor in Blue Horizon Bay, Blue Horizon Bay
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892 Hours Tutored
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I am friendly, considerate, hard working, devoted and creative. When I can serve and help others to do well, then I am at my happiest
Tutor in Southfield, Cape Town
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709 Hours Tutored
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I am an experienced educator who has a passion for her job. I enjoy working with struggling learners on a 1-1 basis.
Tutor in Bergvliet, Cape Town
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1065 Hours Tutored
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I'm an active and happy mom of 4 that can prove multitasking is possible. I'm a friendly soul who loves to teach and read. I love teaching because it is a process where both pupil and educator grow.
Tutor in Cape Town, Western Cape
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489 Hours Tutored
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I have 18 years of experience teaching and tutoring with CAPS, Montessori and Independent curricula. I love reading and visiting markets. I'm passionate about knowledge and learning!
Tutor in Kenwyn, Cape Town
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475 Hours Tutored
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I am a hardworking, friendly, fun and patient educator who loves teaching young learners and helping them to succeed. I am an optimist and believe failure only happens when you stop trying.
Tutor in Athlone, Cape Town
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1038 Hours Tutored
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I am a hard working and self-motivated individual. I enjoy chess, cricket and tennis and was involved in many social and charitable activities at University.
Tutor in Gatesville, Cape Town
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484 Hours Tutored
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My name is Musah Seidu. I am Ghanaian by nationality, I am a teacher by profession. I hold a Diploma in Basic Education. I have eight years of experience in teaching (5 years experience in CAPS)
Tutor in Lotus River, Cape Town
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530 Hours Tutored
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I am a woman who has drive and ambition. I am hardworking and I believe in the power of education.
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