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Get a tutorTutor in Secunda, Mpumalanga
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689 Hours Tutored
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I am a Mechanical engineering Graduate at the University of Pretoria and I'm well versed in Mathematics and Physical Science. My attitude-To do anything, no matter how small to the best of my ability.
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
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118 Hours Tutored
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I am an employed chemical engineer at Sasol and a member of the Golden Key society. I strongly believe that nobody is more intelligent than another; it all depends on how it was explained.
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
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I'm a humble young student who wants to contribute to making our country a better place. I'm hardworking, friendly and easy to get along with.
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
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103 Hours Tutored
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A coding-crazed student, my heart bleeds ones and zeroes. I am currently studying Computer Engineering at the University of Pretoria.
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
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I am a person who is able to cooperate with other people. I am always dedicated to my work and I use my time effectively. I am able to work under pressure. I have good interpersonal skill.
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
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I am a goal-oriented person who loves to solve any problem thrown at me. I perpetually try going to extra mile in everything I do.
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
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I am a Mechanical Engineer with 8 years of industry experience with a passion for teaching. I spend my free time coaching a soccer team, cycling and with family.
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
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25 Hours Tutored
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I am a calm, kind and friendly person who is patient, attentive and very dedicated to my work. I love conversing with people, am a good listener and an effective communicator.
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
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787 Hours Tutored
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I am a focused, patient and outgoing person who strongly believes in assisting others where possible. My greatest strength is teaching, It has always been easy to make people understand.
Tutor in Secunda, Secunda
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160 Hours Tutored
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I am a graduate with a passion for teaching and helping others. I have a strong will to succeed in life. I am conscientious and ambitious.
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