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Cornelia D

Tutor in East London, Eastern Cape • 54 years old

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Can tutor online

Can tutor in person


I am a dedicated, resourceful and goal-driven professional educator with a solid commitment to the social and academic growth and development of every child.

I am an accommodating and versatile individual with diverse experience and a strong track record using hands-on lessons that will capture a student’s imagination and breed success


• SACE Registration (South African Council for Educators)1996
• Higher Education Diploma, UNISA1991
• Baccalaureus Societatis Scentiae, University of Free State 1991
• I have 30 years of teaching experience.

My Proudest

• Plan, organise and conduct training and workshops for teachers
• Mentor young teachers
• Part of the management team


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 10 NSC, CAPS, IEB

With 30 years of teaching experience, I am confident that I can provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in Afrikaans. I am dedicated to making your learning experience as engaging and enjoyable as possible, ensuring that you are able to make rapid progress towards your goals.


Grade 1 - Grade 7 NSC, CAPS, IEB

With my Education Diploma and three decades of teaching expertise, I'm here to provide Grade 1-7 students with exceptional homework assistance. Let's unlock your full potential together!


Cornelia will travel up to 10km from East London, Eastern Cape to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

Tutor Map

Reviews from others

“Cornelia is pleasant and has patience with my son. He enjoys his lessons with her - she is agile and flexible in her approach ”
- Anisha
“Cornelia is diligent and patient with Axel , she sends print out on time and in advance ”
- Thabiso
“Corrie always make a followup with me in any thing involve lumanye and Afrikaans. She have patience .lumanye enjoy her studies with her. I'm happy as she improved a lot.”
- Ms
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