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Mthokozisi M

Tutor in Hillbrow, Johannesburg • 29 years old

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My name is Mthokozisi, currently engaged as a student Teacher at the University of Johannesburg. I am a well prepared, smart worker, who is consistent, and inclusive.

Mediation and inclusion are my values. My delivery result in autonomous learners, who are able to apply their content knowledge in real life situations. I assess my learners knowledge through a number of methods, including technological assessment.


• Bachelor Degree in Education, Senior and FET Teaching, 3rd year level, 2015-2019

My Proudest

• Choral trophy winner in Grade 12 (2013).
• Mr Personality 2015 at City Waldorf Bree Modelling Competition.
• Currently doing Bachelor of Education.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 10 CAPS

I have encountered multiple events in the depth of studying History. In doing interpretations from a variety of sources, I have the capability to extract, explore and explain historical information.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 CAPS

I have knowledge of English, as it is my first subject specialization at University. I have taught at high school levels from Grade 10 to 12.


Mthokozisi will travel up to 15km from Hillbrow, Johannesburg, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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