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Tanya G

Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria • 59 years old

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I care about the future of our youth. I want to assist/ teach where I can.

I studied to be a counsellor, teacher, and life coach, improve my study methods, and deal with learning problems. My purpose in life is to improve the situations of every child. I love Afrikaans and History, and as a teacher, I loved it to make these subjects as enjoyable as possible


• Ba Ed Afrikaans and History (Univ of NW)
• Honours History (Univ of PTA)
• Further cert in remedial teaching (Unisa)
• Advance dipl in counselling
• Mlnp life coaching

My Proudest

• When my class of 35 English learners stood up in the class, clapping hands for me when I said goodbye to them on my last day as a full-time teacher.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I have been teaching Afrikaans for 30 years. I enjoy helping students succeed and feel confident in this subject. I would love to continue helping students reach their academic goals.

Life Orientation

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I am qualified to teach this subject to school learners. Learners' welfare is important to me, which is why it is an important subject for me. I would love to assist learners with this content.


Tanya will travel up to 20km from Faerie Glen, Pretoria, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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Reviews from others

“She is a very good tutor and Hadus like het a lot.”
- Alwene
“Tanya is wonderful with Ted, she understands and meets Ted's need. Ted loves her. ”
- Gillian
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