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Thabani M

Tutor in Lombardy Estate, Pretoria • 33 years old

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Hi, everyone I am a lifelong learner who has particularly talented in Maths. I have tutored before whilst at university so you're in good hands with me.

I am quite a detail-oriented, so I will make sure the learner understands every step before moving on. I have also studied the best study methods and I am excited to pass these on.


• BSS Psychology, Management UKZN 2019
• SHAWCO tutoring maths to high school students

My Proudest

• My recovery from a bad start in my physics class to posting a good final result.
• Completing my degree as well was great.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I have always had a natural ability in maths from my earliest school days. My multiple times-table skills were unrivalled as I beat my classmates in two-class multiple time tables battles. I ended matric with 83%.

Business Studies

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I did this before I learnt advanced study methods late on in university. So if you are looking for a super high mark, just get in touch and you will be on your way.

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

The main skills that are important here are your study methods, get in touch if you want to learn advanced study methods I learnt in university. I didn't even use any of those to get this mark in matric. So if you want to walk your way into a matric A grade gets in touch.


Thabani will travel up to 20km from Lombardy Estate, Pretoria, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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