These are the Highest Quality Zulu Tutors in Blackburn. Get Zulu Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Zulu tutorTutor in Waterloo, Blackburn
Tutor in Waterloo, Blackburn
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I'm a Zulu speaking individual, therefore found it easy to understand the subject along with its content as I am able to speak, read and write the language very well.
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704 Hours Tutored
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Because my home language is IsiZulu, I understand it well. I obtained 84% for the subject in Matric and also took it as a subject at university where I obtained 100%. I am great at passing along information using my mother tongue.
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686 Hours Tutored
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In University i major in isiZulu language that is for FET, Senior and intermediate phase and i have 3 years of experience in teaching isiZulu in different schools in Pretoria and i am the best in creating lesson plans with achievable outcomes
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607 Hours Tutored
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I did very well and it’s my home language. I am able to speak the language with passion and strong will. I have been able to take one of my students student from 6% all the way to 68% within a space of 2 months.
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1057 Hours Tutored
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Isizulu is my home language and I am fluent in it. I helped many students in University and high schools to learn how to speak and write it correctly.
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1065 Hours Tutored
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I am a native Zulu speaker. I have always had a deep appreciation for Zulu because it is my home language. I matriculated with distinction for the subject and am able to help others with all aspects of the language.
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935 Hours Tutored
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I am fluent in Zulu and received a Distinction for this subject in high school.
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887 Hours Tutored
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I did Zulu throughout my school years and also speak it as a first language. I am quite comfortable with tutoring any aspect of the language.
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874 Hours Tutored
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Zulu, my mother tongue, fuels my enthusiasm. I relish learning and guiding peers through language and writing intricacies.
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790 Hours Tutored
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IsiZulu is my native language. I have experience teaching language to foreign and native speakers. I’m passionate about students of language. I promise to encourage, empower, motivate and congratulate students when necessary. My approach is effective and in the pace of my student.
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