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Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
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A dedicated worker focused on meeting targets set. Strong analytical and financial reporting skills.
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
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I am a creative, friendly and passionate person. I love to read, write, create and I work hard to achieve my goals. I am an honest person and I enjoy working with people.
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
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11 Hours Tutored
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I am a CTA (Honours in Accounting Science) student at the University of Pretoria. I am following my dream of becoming an external auditor. I enjoy helping others to achieve their dreams too.
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
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I am enthusiastic, persistent and friendly. I enjoy tutoring others as I bring change to their lives.
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
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I am an individual who is passionate about moulding young minds into future leaders. I'm also passionate about creating a holistic child who develops both mentally and physically into all they can be.
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria
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I am a hardworking, self-disciplined, driven individual with a burning academic passion. I would value an opportunity to instill self-confidence and a positive attitude towards learning, on a student.
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