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42 Hours Tutored
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I am an exciting, fun and sociable individual. I am spontaneous and always inquisitive and keen to try out different things.
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
14 Hours Tutored
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I am a 23 year old UCT graduate, currently working as a candidate attorney. I am a hardworking person, and go the extra mile in my tutoring. I love classical piano, my energetic family, and The Crown.
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
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I am a firm believer in finding better ways to do things, effectively being able to transfer my philosophy of working smart.
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
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I am passionate and committed. I always give my best and enjoy explaining complicated concepts in a simple manner.
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
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I am a second year Actuarial Science Student at Stellenbosch. I have passion for helping people succeed and so wish to use my skills to benefit others.
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
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88 Hours Tutored
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I am a passionate and driven academic, firmly believing that with enough hard work, anything is possible.
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
18 Hours Tutored
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I am a fun, friendly person that enjoys teaching and helping others. I enjoy music, sport and writing.
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
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94 Hours Tutored
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I am a medical student currently on a gap year with the understanding that it takes a group to lay the path for a bright and prosperous future. I aim to be part of this ever-evolving group.
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
Tutor in Sandown, Sandton
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University of Pretoria Engineering graduate, I thrive on critical thinking, embracing challenges. Energetic, creative, and attentive, I excel in listening and problem-solving.
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Tutor in Northcliff, Randburg
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2396 Hours Tutored
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I am an engineer with 20+ years industry experience and have the requisite patience & listening skills to be an effective tutor.
Tutor in Grand Central, Midrand
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4739 Hours Tutored
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I am a down-to-earth and friendly person. I'm also a go-getter who works very hard and tends to thrive under pressure so much so that very little can stop me from attaining my goals.
Tutor in Windsor West, Johannesburg
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1952 Hours Tutored
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I always pay careful attention to detail, and am an animated and interactive tutor. I am patient, understanding and accommodating.
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