Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Sunninghill, Sandton. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
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As with Geography, this was one of my favourite subjects. I would like to help a student understand the way the body works as I still do.
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
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874 Hours Tutored
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Life Sciences was one of my favourite subjects at school. Assisting my classmates with this subject was always fun and very informative.
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
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55 Hours Tutored
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I am currently completing my Master's in Medicine in Chemical pathology at WITS with the prospect of attending a PhD program. I got into the Golden Key program twice; for completing my Undergraduate and Postgraduate. I would love to assist students with this subject.
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
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I grew up surrounded by Doctors and fostered a love for human anatomy. During High school, I created many study techniques to do well in the subject.
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
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59 Hours Tutored
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Life sciences has always fascinated me and I would love to share my passion with other students. Year after year I obtained excellent results in the subject and I pride myself in my ability to explain the work.
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
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23 Hours Tutored
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Life Sciences involves a large amount of theory but an understanding of the work avoids cramming which does not work as one goes higher up in academics.
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
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198 Hours Tutored
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I can teach one how to summarise high quantities of information into more manageable bite-sized chunks to grasp the concepts of living organisms quickly. I can teach one the skills of writing essays in a life science context.
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Tutor in Windsor West, Johannesburg
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1952 Hours Tutored
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Life Sciences was my favourite subject in high school, hence I ended up as a Biochemist. I received a distinction in my final year.
Tutor in Ferndale, Randburg
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934 Hours Tutored
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I Teach Middle School Students to grade 8 and 9 Natural science and I have great experience in the subject from doing lab experiments to one on one tutoring. Also best in high school Life Science (biology).
Tutor in Ottery, Cape Town
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1719 Hours Tutored
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Biology was my favourite subject throughout my high school career and I am currently studying to major in Archaeology as well as Ecology and Evolution. I have a passion for biology and enjoy helping my students find a passion for it as well.
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