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Emily R

24 years old

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As I immensely value education, tutoring is very special to me. I want to share my love for education and learning with students with potential and who might need some extra help.

I am always up for a challenge. In the face of confusion, I will find a creative explanation. I am patient and willing to work to help my students.


• 2015-2019 - NSC (Hoerskool Brits)
• 2020-ongoing - Ba Law (University of Pretoria)

My Proudest

• 2019 top Matriculant student in Tourism (Hoerskool Brits).

• I obtained 5 distinctions in Matric.

• I received a full NSFAS Bursary to complete my Ba Law Degree at The University of Pretoria.


  • School Tutoring

Mathematics Literacy

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I highly enjoyed Maths Literacy when I was in highschool, and have experience tutoring my classmates.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

Tourism was my favourite subject in Highschool, and in 2019 I was the top Matriculant student in Tourism. I spent a lot of my time in study groups tutoring my friends before exams.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I love English and I am now taking it as a subject in university. I have experience with First Additional English as well as First Language.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I absolutely loved this subject in high school. I especially adored the essay writing and found myself often assisting my fellow classmates in their essays.

  • University Tutoring


First Year KRM120

I have a soft spot for Criminology. Studying for this subject has always been a delight to me. I'm excited to share that with other students via tutoring.


First Year SLK120

I excelled in Psychology in my first year at university, I mainly taught myself the work and have built up a certain appreciation for the subject and finding creative ways to explain it to others.

Reviews from others

“Emily has been very helpful and helped me to understand key topics. She has also helped to create notes that are easy to understand for topics that I have struggled with. ”
- Paige
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