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Kgothatso D

28 years old

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Background Screening Analyst For Credence (Global Background Screening Experts) I specialize in Accounting, Mathematics literacy and Business Studies

I am passionate about academic excellence, and engaging with students outside the classroom to gauge their academic capabilities. I'm great at identifying the different study approaches learners use and how they can effectively utilize them to reach their academic goals.


• Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting-University of Johannesburg
• Live Masterclass Tutor for Tlou Institute
• UCT Online High School Marker
• Learning Strategist Assistant for Teach Me 2

My Proudest

• Live Masterclass Tutor for Tlou Institute
• UCT Online High School Marker
• Learning Strategist Assistant for Teach Me 2


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, IEB

I have extensive experience in the field of accounting and a deep understanding of the various accounting methods and techniques used in different industries. I can help you develop a strong foundation in accounting. I have majored in Accounting and Finance and have helped many learners.

Business Studies

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

-Majored in Accounting and Finance -Adept in tutoring Business studies -I also tutor in isizulu and Sesotho to ensure maximum understanding and to improve performance.

Mathematics Literacy

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, IEB

-Adept in tutoring mathematics literacy via Teach Me 2 and in my own capacity -I also tutor in isiZulu and Sesotho to ensure maximum understanding and improve performance

Reviews from others

“Kgothatso has shown me different ways in which I can answer questions to boost my marks. She also helps me stick to my topic, write only what is required, and be creative.”
- Violet
“Kgothatso is energetic friendly and well structured during the tutoring. She creates an understanding environment for my daughter, and my daughter speaks very positively of her. ”
- Nadia
“She has patience ,makes it a point I understand well where I struggle and explains very well”
- Hlengiwe
“She is patient and easy to work with Mbheki said she is clear on what she provided him explaining everything accordingly and easy to work with ”
- Khethiwe
“Kgothatso explained the concepts that I didn’t understand very clearly until I was able to understand. She also repeats herself often which helps me understand even more.”
- Mbali
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