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Nindiphiwe N

22 years old

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I am an ambivert and a social butterfly simultaneously. I love interacting with people and seeing the world from different viewpoints. I have always been an educator at heart.

I am friendly, approachable and patient. I believe that everyone is different and may not grasp information at the same pace. I always aim to create a safe space when interacting with people and ensure they feel validated. I offer help where I can wholeheartedly, and I always ensure that the other party is fulfilled.


• 2021 - Current. Bachelor of Arts (Wits University)

My Proudest

• Starting a Non-profit Organisation and successfully carrying out initiatives.
• Matriculating with five distinctions.
• Passing with Cum Laude.


  • School Tutoring

Business Studies

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I thoroughly enjoy Business Studies throughout school and achieved a distinction in matric for it. I would love to pass on my tips and tricks for this subject to help students understand the theories and concepts easier. I aim to help students reach their academic goals.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I have always been interested in historical and global events, and educating people. I’ve had years of comprehensive essay writing, a vital skill. History is not just about knowing and memorising historical events, but about having an understanding of events, and writing as if telling a story.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

Besides isiXhosa being my home language, I am passionate about the language, and finding different ways to help people understand it - from friends, who struggle with understanding certain words and clicks, to students, who struggle with the grammar and literature.

Mathematics Literacy

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

Maths Lit isn’t just a subject, it also deals with solving real-life problems using formulas, which is a vital skill. Through gaining an understanding of the application of the theories and formulas, I have been able to maintain A aggregates throughout my schooling career for Mathematical Literacy.

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