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Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
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I have just started a role as a Quality Engineer in a research company. I have worked in the Quality Assurance industry for about 4 years and I also have a passion for reading novels.
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
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37 Hours Tutored
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I am ambitious, driven and always willing to see different perspective.
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
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42 Hours Tutored
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I am an extremely outgoing, kind and friendly individual. I am very confident and comfortable in my ability to help others.
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
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I am an aspiring actuary who has completed a degree in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics at the University of Pretoria. I enjoy part taking in the academic sphere by enriching and enabling students.
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
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I am a young, passionate and outgoing civil engineer who always strives to be the best of my abilities at whatever I purse. I have a great love for all types of sports.
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
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I am an eccentric, goal-driven young lady who has made it thus far not only through hard work but through great support and assistance from others. I want to help others realize their potential.
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
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If a minion, an Accounting guru, a motivational speaker, Ricky Wurman and Queen Latifah all made a baby the result would be me.
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
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I am able to understand people and their personalities well. I am patient and committed to finding the most efficient way to solve challenges.
Tutor in Century City, Cape Town
17 Hours Tutored
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I'm a bubbly academic 2nd year law student who has a passion to learn and teach. I believe that getting an education is a gift that keeps on giving and teaching is an essential part of fulfilment.
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Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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2323 Hours Tutored
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I'm a highly motivated tutor who loves to inspire young minds. Join me on a journey of discovery and let's unlock your full potential together.
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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1781 Hours Tutored
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I studied Chemical engineering at the University of Capetown. I love interacting with different people from different parts of the world. I love music and l am also a professional pianist
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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1225 Hours Tutored
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I am a hardworking, outgoing person that prioritises holistic living; everyone needs a good balance of work and fun. In my free time, I enjoy exploring my city and creating long-lasting memories.
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