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Enrica C

Tutor in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town • 26 years old

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Can tutor in person


I am inquisitive, curious, and truly enjoy learning more about the world we live in - to truly enjoy your academic work, you need to first explore your passion for knowledge and understanding.

I have taken many hours and many different studying technique trials to figure out how to make things stick for me in my studies, so I understand how changing approaches can help unlock potential.


• 2023 - BScHons Medical Microbiology - Stellenbosch University
• 2022 - Student Intern - University of Pretoria
• 2019-2022 BSc Genetics - University of Pretoria

My Proudest

• After struggling with academics through high school and early on in university, I was able to turn things around and prove to myself that I am capable of achievement.
• I am a proud member of the Golden Key Society.


  • University Tutoring


First Year - Second Year GTS251, GTS261

I am currently finishing my BSc in Genetics with a dual major in Microbiology, so those subjects are where my interest and passion lie. Deep understanding is needed to excel in these subjects, which is a skill that needs to be developed: one that I can help with.


First Year MBY161

I am currently finishing my BSc in Genetics with a dual major in Microbiology, so those subjects are where my interest and passion lie. Deep understanding is needed to excel in these subjects, which is a skill that needs to be developed: one that I can help with.


Enrica will travel up to 15km from Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, Western Cape to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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