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Tilden P

Tutor in Port Elizabeth Central, Port Elizabeth • 31 years old

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I am a passionate person who enjoys helping people realize their full potential. In my free time I enjoy playing chess and participating in water-based activities.

I am a good listener and I always attempt to put myself in the other person's shoes in order to understand their thinking. I am a motivational person who will go the extra mile for people.


• I am a B.Com (CA Stream) graduate from UCT and currently studying PGDA in order to be a Chartered Accountant.
• I have tutored various subjects through Teach Me 2; UCT and SkillUp Tutors.

My Proudest

• Being selected as the Head Boy of Victoria Park High School.
• Being a recipient of the Gallagher Foundation Scholarship.


  • University Tutoring

Financial Reporting

First Year - Second Year ACC2011S and ACC2111S and ACC2012W

I am an Accounting Graduate from the University of Cape Town currently pursuing Post-Graduate studies. I have a passion for Accounting/Reporting and take a principles based approach in my teaching.

  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I have tutored Accounting in my community, for SHAWCO and privately. I always go the extra mile by sourcing additional resources. I have experience tutoring students who have done accounting for the first time in Matric as well as seasoned students.


Tilden will travel up to 10km from Port Elizabeth Central, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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Reviews from others

“He always engaged with me in a positive manner and made sure I understood the specified content. I am definitely going to schedule more lessons with Tilden, as he is a great help and an extremely patient tutor. I would say he’s one of the best. Thank you!”
- Zahrah
“Although I cant listen to the full session, I can see that Tilden is knowledgeable, patient and able to impart knowledge in a concise way. I'm very happy with his tutoring thus far. ”
- Stephen
“always pleasant and able to accommodate us in change for schedule. Diego and Tilden had a good connection”
- Rosa
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